Become a PHCC Member Now
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Become a PHCC member and gain access to valuable benefits for you and your business. PHCC is the cornerstone of education and training in the plumbing, heating and cooling industry. Group insurance, networking with members in the know and the latest industry information are just a few more reasons to join.
Member Benefits
When you become a member of the PHCC of the Redwood Empire, you will contribute to the strength and longevity of your industry. While gaining local alliances within the plumbing, heating and cooling trade, you know your interests are represented on both state and national levels, as well, because when you join PHCC of the Redwood Empire you automatically become a member of PHCC of California and the PHCC National Association. It is through these benefits and the additional industry and business education classes, that will strengthen your business.
Local Association Benefits
- Local Networking Opportunities
- Educational Offerings to enhance training and performance
- Monthly Membership Meetings
- Newsletters
- Annual Golf Tournament
- Web Site (
- Annual Holiday Party
State Benefits
- State Approved Four-Year Apprenticeship Program
- Governmental Relations
- Licensing Assistance
- Informational Newsletters and Bulletins
- Insurance Programs (Health, Dental, Life, Workers Compensation and Liability)
- Conventions and Conferences
- Journeylevel Certification and UPC Code Update Class
- Web Site (
- Consumer Awareness efforts to fight the threat of unlicensed construction activity
- Apprenticeship and Training Programs
National Association Benefits
- Apprenticeship Training (HVAC and Plumbing)
- Conventions and Meetings
- Enhanced Service Groups (HVAC Task Force, Union-Affiliated Contractors, Quality Service Contractors and Construction Contractors Alliance)
- Business Management Tools
- Scholarship Program
- Insurance
- Government Relations
- Marketing Programs
- Publications
- Coupon Program
- Industry Relations Program
- Safety and Health Programs
- Code Books and Technical Publications
- Certification Programs
- Career Programs
- Web Site (
- Professional Product Line (PPL)
- Seminars
PHCC Membership Application
Print Out, Fill Out and Mail in, Fax or Email Your Application Now…
Becoming a PHCC member is easy. Whether you are a contractor, an associate in a related industry or just want to be a social member, simply print out the appropriate application for your classification and mail with your payment to: REPHCC, P.O. Box 750293-0293 or fax it to: 707-658-1041. You may also send it as an attachment by email to:
Download Membership Application
Membership Categories
Contractor Membership:
Requires a current CA contractors license in any one of the following classifications:
C-4, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 & C-55
Associate Membership:
Local wholesale houses and manufacturer’s representatives of plumbing & heating products
Social Membership:
Other professionals of benefit to the plumbing & heating industry