Who We Are and What We Do…
The PHCC Story and Our Team
The National Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors, PHCC, is the oldest trade organization in the construction industry and the largest in the plumbing, heating and cooling industry. The elements that have brought us this far have been the unique three tiered structure of the association. 1) The national level, where we constantly monitor legislation that affects PHC contractors. 2) The state level, where we keep up to date on state licensing laws, unfair utility competition, provide apprenticeship training, etc. 3) The local level, your PHCC of the Redwood Empire, where it all comes together to provide training programs, personal service and interaction with your fellow contractors.
The members of PHCC are a diverse group of contractors, suppliers and manufacturer representatives. Our members are both large and small. They perform work on residential, commercial, industrial and institutional jobs. They run union and open-shops, and engage in maintenance, remodeling, and service & repair. Our membership also includes associates comprised of local wholesale suppliers and area manufacturer reps who contribute to our continuing education programs and promotion of the PHCC. Further, many fields are represented in the PHC industry: air conditioning, heating-warm air, heating-hydronics, backflow, plumbing, process-piping, refrigeration, fire sprinkler, sheet metal, and ventilation.
Your local association, the PHCC of the Redwood Empire, stands out in the North Bay PHC community through it’s dedication to keeping it’s members informed and prepared to compete in an increasingly competitive market area. Our organization’s agenda is addressed by a number of committees working with such important issues as:
- Political/Government Relations
- Code
- Apprenticeship
- Marketing, Communications & Public Relations
- Education & Training
- Service & Repair
- New Construction
It is through this collaboration that we are able to contribute to our member’s success by providing timely information on subjects that will directly affect their business. Have a problem with your local plumbing board? Need a question answered regarding a construction ordinance? Need to develop a successful marketing and business plan? PHCC of the Redwood Empire is your one main source for good business and trade information.
PHCC of the Redwood Empire – 2023 Officers of the Board

Wendy Cramer
PHCC of the Redwood Empire
Email: info@rephcc.org

Ernest Ongaro
Ongaro & Sons, Inc.

Nick Arrigo
Design Line Insurance

Laura Lee Pokovich
Gotelli Plumbing